I got a chance to really work out the K2 in the CW Sweeps. The radio is really a joy to operate. Now that I have learned to use the features, it is perfect for the way I operate. The filtering is outstanding for S&P. If conditions for the ARRL 160m contest are good, the K2 should really pick them from the piles.
I have found I need to adjust my operating habits some. The pass band on its immediate predecessor was very wide by comparison. While running, I find that using the RIT is essential. The CW filters are set at 1.2kc, 700hz, 400hz and 200hz. It was best to run with the 700hz filter when possible. That required less use of the RIT to pick up stations not quite zero beat. It was essential when using the 200hz filter, which I found necessary once the band grew crowded. The 400hz was a compromise. I found that to be the setting most often dialed in during the runs, simply because of the activity nearby.
For S&P, I found the 200hz to be useful. The replacement tuning knob I added to the radio make going up and down the band a lot of fun. For punching spots, I found the wide 400hz setting best. Many of the spots were not quite zero beat, or had migrated slightly before I got to them.
I was able to run with stations as close as 250 hz up or down from me if they were not very loud. A very loud station coming in 100hz up was a problem.
All of that is significantly better than the second radio.
The K2 is now definitely radio #1.
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