All the stuff that will be fun and/or make the station better.
Items as of 2014-06-21:
Shack Projects
- Resolve(d) shack log computer issues(20141212, solution unsatisfactory, ongoing)
- Switch cable & control box for 160m
- 80m FCP vertical
- CW skimmer project (programmable oscillators for 20m,15m, & 10m softrocks)
- Install hardline#2 to sixpak
Win 8 quad core box for skimmers, 2014-10-15reflectors for 40m, 20m, 15m as wire yagis, 2014-10-2015m and 20m skimmers again marginally operational(fuse problem), 2014-07-15Rope maintenance– ongoingInstall 15m/10m loops replacing 40m n/s dipoleinstall match networks for 15m/10m loops(??enclosure??)-installed 2014-10-15Replaced ft-920 with TS-590, 2014-10-09Sold SB-1000, 2014-10-02-
Temp fix for dead shack log computer- Shack Hiatus – not much radio activity @ KAZ qth
Install hardline#1 to sixpak-
CW skimmer project experimentation(20m/15m10m SoftRock skimmers)- Repair SO2R box, broken audio jack panel insert
Installed hardline#1 to sixpak, 2012-05-15SB-1000 Shack mods(ditched, 86’d, dead parrot)- New HP coax jumpers
- Explore W3NQN filter project.(wind toroids)
- KK1L 6×2 switch – assemble/test(need to build enclosure)Â see/use AC0C Mod
- RBN graph programming(ongoing)
- EWE for EU??? Reversible??
- 40m & 20m multi antenna switches
- Control panel and cabling for selecting multiple antennas on same band(need more cat5e)
- band data switch for filter banks(2)
- upgrade remote switch for auto switching with band data, incorporate SixPak
- LPT CW keying interface with band data pass-through(for FD CW and bandpass filter band decoding/auto switch).
- ??? ??? ???
- Ongoing Linux/Ubuntu/XAMPP experimentation
- ??? ??? ???
- BPFF- coax stubs,six three bands outstanding(shelved)
- ??? ??? ???
- add 80m element to 160m L (
Partial complete 2009/12/02, Shelved indefinitely2011 for FCP)\ Assemble 40m SoftRock skimmer (completed 2012/05/20)Assemble 80m SoftRock skimmer(completed 2012/06/01)Construct 160m SoftRock skimmer(completed 2012/06/10)Nab “Softrock” when available, for(completed 2012/05/01)-
160m Inv-L mod to use K2AV counterpoise systemRepair/replace wire for K9AY loopsK2 PTT RFI160m Inv-L matching network-
- Kenwood mic adapter for w0uce’s ts-480Â Done 2010/03/04
- Modify DVK/mic feeds/switching for level matching on FT-920 & K2 – DONE 2010/4/3
- K9AY – replace aluminum radials Done 2010/01/28
- W7IUV Pre-amp for K9AY RX system Done 2010/01/18
- RFI – ferrites and re-cable audio feeds Done 2009/12/23
- K2 – re-tune 80/160m, debug 80m ssb audio Done 2009/12/01
- K9AY splitter(80/160 bandpass) Done 2009/09/20
- BPFF- NVARC filters, five bands Done 2009/04/28
- BPFF- K4VX filters, six bands Done 2009/04/28
- Set up shack/stations for SO2R Done 2009/05/22
- Set up SO2R audio split cabling Done 2009/05/15
- Home brew SO2R box(re-design/finish) Done 2009/04/2008
- Debug-fix 160-L 2009/01/15
- additional radials for inv-L Done 2008/12/05
- TEST WAV files on new shack computer!! Done 11/08/08
- K2 160m option before 10/15/2008 Done 10/01/2008!
- Monitor stand for desktop Done!
- Set up packet for Sweepstakes (!Egad!) DONE 10/12/2008!
- Lay out short BOG for 80m(160m?) rx almost done 10/11/2008
- install remote antenna switch DONE 10/01/2008!
- ??? ??? ???
- Finish power supply documentation
- Bone up Visual Basic
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