Radio W4KAZ

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Zero, With a Mean of….

From todays K7RA propagation forecast:

“”Sunspot numbers for August 7 through 13 were 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, and0 with a mean of 0.””


Whoop- tee -doo….

And odds are several months more of that excitement is sure to follow. Ick.

2 comments to Zero, With a Mean of….

  • Pat

    I laughed at the same statement in the report… thinking “finally, some math I can do in my head – calculating the mean of a series of zeros”.

    I guess that we can only joke about the current sunspot number (or lack thereof).


  • Yeah, working DX with poor antennas and zero sunspots IS a joke. Tough sledding here at the bottom of the doldrums. Maybe I’ll discover oil in my back yard. They won’t let me drill for it, but I could at least sell the dump to a speculator to finance an antenna farm in the boonies. 🙂

    edit, 8:18am: But you are right….It does make the math simple. 😮

    73 kaz

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