Looking for ==> 2011 Hamvention links <==?
(This post to be amended as more links turn up, de w4kaz, last update 2010-06-09)
Well, sure, Dayton 2010 was probably very much like 2009, or 1995, or 1970. Â But its more fun to go than to stay home.
But congratulations to my friend Nathan, N4YDU. This year Nate placed 6th the in the annual pile-up competition sponsored by the Kansas City DX Club. (If you want to see what the competition is like, the club has sample audio files posted, as well as a custom logging program provided by VE3NEA.
For those of us unable to experience the  2010 Dayton Hamvention in corpus, here is a round up of the easy to find “stuff”. Send me a link and I’ll add it to the list if it seems suitable.
Antenna Presentations [via K3LR]
K8CX “mug-shot” photo gallery , see previous years photos too, plus other stuff
Photos: N2ZN, N3QO, N6PSE, “rbatina”, J Peric, KCDXCLUB, HF Pack QSO Rally, QSY Hamradio, “William”, “Keith”(not this one!)
More Photos: OZ3RIN, “davidjmessing”, N2YTF, “Dave”(Kenwood stuff)
KB2BSL [Friday], K2BSL[Saturday], K2BSL[Sunday]
WB8CXO videos, KB3MJ(flea video), N8MDH(TS-590 video), “erayboul”(Elecraft panadapter video), Drake Forum, CubeSat
NT7S – FDIM Day 1, NT7S -FDIM Day 2&3
More randomly chosen Youtube video, here, here, here, here
And if you want a professionally done video, perfect for a club meeting program, for $15USD you can get the 2009 mooo-veee from central NC local Gary, KN4AQ. [I’m not affiliated with Gary, nor any pecuniary interest in ARVN. Gary has been doing a great service by documenting recent amateur activities. I’ve seen his work, so $15 is a bargain with the forum material included.] [2010 release??? see KN4AQ’s comment.]
Thanks for the plug and nice comments for ARVN videos! Yes, we were shooting at Dayton 2010. We got the ARRL “Power Line Noise” forum, the D-STAR Forum and Friday Night event, the FCC Forum and the DX Forum. With all those forums, we never got to the Flea Market (except for a burger or three). But we did talk to all the big manufacturers about their new products. As usual, with this volume of material and production level, it takes a while to get on the market. So enjoy the various YouTube offerings, and our DVDs will be out toward the end of summer (I hope). 73, Gary KN4AQ
I have a few pics at: http://twitpic.com/photos/radiodude
And I did do some video archived at Ustream:
(Some are of the trip there and back)
Duane – N9SSN