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Hell Done Froze Ova

The Who Dats rejoice.  Bag Heads no mo’. [at least until August]

….Billy Kilmer….Tom “Gut” Dempsey…Archie Manning….Danny Abramowicz….Ricky Jackson……Sam Mills….Bob-bey…..Fears-Stram-Phillips-Mora-Ditka-Haslett-Payton….vs.Rams_vs.49’rs_vs.Falcons……Campbell-Rogers-Hilliard-Gajan…,,Superfoot, Morten Anderson…..Lots of interesting players, and interesting moments.  And all too many moments best forgotten.

And after only 43 years, an entire year of highlights all in the same year.

Home Sweet Home…..

Bo-Leeve Dat….

Front pages…..

2 comments to Hell Done Froze Ova

  • Scot R. Morrison

    Hi, Keith

    A game well played and congratulations to Saint fans for remaining loyal through all those tough years. A job well done and mission accomplished.


    • I must admit to a certain lack of loyalty, having lost much interest about the time Hokie Gajan blew out his second knee. Free agency more or less killed my interest in pro ball, and I became much more interested in college ball thereafter. There’s more parity and emotion in college ball, and I still find it far more interesting.

      But there is some certain amount of enjoyment in the “revenge of the Bag-heads”. 🙂

      73 de w4kaz

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