Radio W4KAZ

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New FT-950

Wooooweee. Yaesu has their lineup rounded off just in time for the beginning of the sunspot cycle. Their new FT-950 was on display at the Shelby, NC Hamfest. This radio is being listed already at below $1500 via the normal stores. The 950 seems to be the replacement for the discontinued FT-920 in the middle level of the Yaesu HF base station lineup. Very interesting.

Yaesu FT-950

Here is a link to a higher resolution photo of the 950. The ads are already up at AES and Universal radio, maybe everywhere else too. The Yaesu rep indicated these would start shipping in September.

It appears to have only the single receiver. Okay by me. It seems to have lost the separate RX antenna input. Not so okay. One of my favorite features from the FT-920 is MIA on the 950–the ‘shuttle jog’ tuning ring. Too bad. I really like that. It will be fun to hear reports from buyers. I’d really like to finally see a contest capable radio hit the market on the lower end of the price spectrum. That would be a Good Thing for contesting.

I sure hope its filtering is sharper than my FT-920 without losing anything on the weak signal performance. That would make it a great entry level contesting rig. That is about the same price as a used 1000MP with some of the filters, making the question–new or used?

2 comments to New FT-950

  • Brad

    Hey, Keith – just get an Elecraft K3 w/ two extra filters and the Receive Antenna connector… it’ll go a bit more than $2K, but you can piece-meal it… I guarentee it’ll handle contest signals better than my MP full of InRad filters, for about the same money… And it finally started shipping this past week, too!

    73 – I’ll see you at Manchester’s next month – I’m heading back from YI9-land this week,


  • Yeah, the K3 looks like it will be the way to go. It has a couple of unique minor features that I really like.

    Great news about the return trip! Most excellent! Maybe you will find the time to play radio for Sweeps.

    73 de w4kaz k

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