Sand and Radio
What could be more fun than dancing the biting fly dance to set up antennas for playing radio in the sand and sun? Hmmmmm.
The weather on the south core banks(‘Great’ Island) gave glimpses of gloom but mostly cooperated very well for a change. Arriving at the cabin about 1pm local(1700Z) allowed us to unload gear and set up masts and antennas in the normal sunny sandy heat.
Photo Album w4kaz M/S 2023 IOTA photo album [Most photos by N4YDU]
Antennas and Station
The main antenna was a 40m/20m trap dipole, with a 15m/10m dipole as a second. We also set up a 40m EFHW that allowed use of its radiator as an 80m inv L vertical. We also set up a BOG as an rx antenna using about 200 feet of wire and a transformer. The BOG made use of the generator hut’s ground wire. The EFHW was fed on 80m against an 80m folded counterpoise.

2023 W4KAZ M/S Iota – Right/background is the 40m/20m trap dipole on its telescoping mast. Left/foreground is the mast to elevate the end of the EFHW.
The generator ground was free because power was supplied via LifePo4 batteries. These were supplemented by 200 watts of solar cells once they got plugged in again after being knocked loose. The main radio used is an Elecraft K3.
The operating was at times interesting and at time tedious. Pretty much normal for IOTA from NC. N4YDU started off on 20, but quickly moved to 15m upon finding it more productive. That was one of the more interesting things, as 15m has been a dry hole for the past few years. We swapped off every couple of hours or so after that.
The normal mid day doldrums were supplemented by calling both CQ IOTA and CQ POTA and giving out the park K-0683 along with the IOTA exchange. 20m SSB started to pick up during my 2000Z shift. After that I was happy enough to turn the keys over to N4YDU for some of that world class operator stuff on 40m CW. One of my highlights is listening to N4YDU pull callsigns out of 40m bedlam at 30wpm. One of N4YDU’s highlights was moving W1BBB across 9 band/modes for his unique mult. Thanks to W1BBB for having game!Â
Early nightÂ
The evening was capped off by the unexpected termination of the logging computer around 0330Z. The battery supplying voltage had reached its limit and cut off power to the hub. Both of us were ready for some sleep, so we pulled plug and prepped for incoming weather. The weather arrived about 0600z, lighting up the sky and rumbling half of the team to gloomy awareness. 😮
N4YDU capped off the morning chasing mults and possible 15 pointers around. W4KAZ snoozed.
It ain’t Over….
After the 1200z end breaking down gear goes much faster than set up. Plans for possible extra POTA operating were ditched in favor of relaxation. Everything was down and ready for packing before the obligatory IOTA afternoon storm rolled in.   YDU caught the storm boat out, and KAZ chilled out and napped on the veranda in the cool breeze blowing in off the Atlantic after the storm. The early morning boat brought another nice trip to its conclusion.
The w4kaz M/S qso breakdown
Great job! Nice pictures! I also did the biting fly dance during antenna setup at the neighboring island of Bogue Banks, NA112. Wondering what the breakdown between CW and Phone was on each band? I was intrigued by the Ryobi tool battery with additional connections…off to Home Depot to look at them. Looking forward…you might try a separate EFHW vertical for 20 to supplement the dipole.
Henry – K4TMC