Radio W4KAZ

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Field Day – Daddy, Are We There Yet?

Yeah! Time to get the game on. The NC Contesters group will be operating from just south of Louisburg, NC using N4PY’s call sign. Y’all come. Hopefully the WX will be better than the forecast. Wet FD sites are less than ideal, and lightning can ruin everyone’s day PDQ.

We’ll be either 3A or 2A, operating with 100w. The rigs will be an Omni VII, an Orion, and a K2, with a Kenwood TS-930 as backup. We’ll be mixed mode, but probably mostly CW. The plans are to have two Vee beams, plus an assortment of alternate antennas. Our stations will be organized by band, with an 80m/20m station on the long Vee(266′ legs), an 40m station on the smaller Vee beam(200’legs), and a 160m/15m/10m station that will probably have a long wire as the main antenna. Look for us on 160m!

If you are not in the field, you can always operate as a “1D” class station from home, and still have fun. Even if you have only a few hours available, you can help fill the logs. The fun is NOT limited to North America – DX stations can operate S&P and make FD QSO’s too. A DX station’s exchange is “1D DX”, if you are operating from home. We’ll be glad to hear you.

Round em up. On air operations begin at 1800z Saturday.

Just do it…

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