Scads of documents exist on the web discussing ARRL Field Day. But I found very few really comprehensive summaries of some of the “must haves” for ARRL Field Day. The actual nuts-n-bolts of setting up a functional station and not croaking ones-self over the course of the event.
Everybody sees it through their own frames of reference, but some things are fundamental. It all boils down to “Who brought the XYZ-thingy?”. (Often nobody….!)
So with just a few days to go, here’s a timely roundup – just so I can find them all again next time I want to pass the info on to “new blood”. A selection of readings on ‘all things field day’.
West Valley Amateur Radio Club FD summary. Their summary is specific to their club, but a good basic synopsis nonetheless.
Another good club primer is by N1FD. It also includes a list of section abbreviations and a cheat sheet for CT commands. CT is STILL the least common denominator, because folks don’t normally haul the BEST PC’s out to log in the field, CT is still free, and it works well enough. Moan all you want – there’s no really good reason to change.
One of the local clubs, The Raleigh Amateur Radio Society, has a guide for their band captains. This is pretty much an all inclusive document speaking to the needs of a single station.
How about the actual ARRL FD rules?
Just in case you are “fuzzy” or maybe caught in a gray area/twilight zone, some compliance advice – Field Day Urban Legends, Myths and FAQs
How about some Field Day Antennas? Trust the US Marines Corps? –> USMC Field Antenna Manual.
Looking for a site you can barge in on uninvited? Try the ARRL’s FD Locator.
Don’t forget to check the weather.
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