Saturday was a good flea market sweep day. We made up for lost time in the flea market area, and got past most of the rows of tailgators. (There is actually a pub out in Miamisburg called “tailgators”). I mostly picked up some small parts, but I also found some PC board in the Far Circuits tent.
I’m not sure I understand the appeal of all of the rows upon rows of old Motorola HT’s, but they seem to have become the permanent fixture of the flea market, so I guess either someone is actually buying them or someone has a tractor trailer load to get rid of.
Today is chill day, and a quick run to any remaining parts vendors for a few last minute small parts buys. We will get there a bit later, and leave after the prize drawings.
So far the best buy was a roll of 10 conductor 22ga beldin control cable for $20. Had to hop the bus to drop that off in the vehicle!
The bus service is much better this year than the first time I tried it out. The closer parking lot looked to be too much a mud pit on day one, so we parked at the old Shiloh Springs Mall and hopped the RTA bus. Hamvention has contracted the bus service from the pro’s, and its been working great for me.
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