Getting set to head out. Yesterday started with a drizzle and ended up clear and sunny.
We got an up-close look at a few gizmo’s. The Tokyo amps look like a really nice set of boxes. We saw into the guts of the K3. Everybody getting off the bus stopped to gawk at the SteppIr with the three trombone elements. Cool. We chatted up Carl about his really cool N4PY rig control software, which I’m thinking about buying for the K2. The FlexRadio folks gave us a run-down on the flex radio.
We social climbed with a stroll through “EGO Alley”, where all of the big gunz shop. Huge Tic ring rotors, etc.
Our all radio geek day ended with a visit to the FDIM QRP groups’s Vendor night. Good stuff there too.
More today!
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