I built the Idiom Press cmos-IV Logikeyer a couple of years back, and it is the best keyer I have owned. Easy to build kit too. N4YDU has recently added one to his collection too. A great external keyer, and good for field operations.
Idiom Press has two new products that look very interesting, a stand-alone voice keyer, and an outboard RF speech processor. The voice keyer looks like it is exactly what I wanted – perfect for Field Day or the IOTA expedition. Also useful if routing audio from the computer is an issue.
The speech processor is yet not priced on the web-site. That’s a good thing, since I’m not ready to BUY yet. Both products would make a difference for low power operating/field day.
Recent station derangements have re-introduce an RFI issue onto the K2. This is a bit of a puzzle, but I expect to find a case of “ID-ten-T” is involved. Just not yet sure where. Looking at the setup fresh may help, but I see one link in the chain I want to meddle with right away. I’d eventually like the audio transformers in the SO2R switch box at each of the radio lines. That would keep all three audio devices(computer, radio1, radio 2) isolated – currently not the case.
A mini experiment is in the works there, by isolating only the computer audio before it enters the SO2R switch box. I expect a transformer at that point in the stream to have no effect on the problem, but if it works I may make no other changes.
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