PVRC club members received word from PVRC president Ken, K4ZW, that PVRC will be introducing a series of Webinars on various contest subjects. Jamie, NS3T has a news release posted with a bit more info. Most of the webinars will be available to all contesters, although I suspect there may be a few club internal “stategery” sessions held more tightly to the vest.
I sprung for the original PVRC 2005 “Contest College” DVD, which has a lot of great information on it. Not every subject was a priority interest to me personally(e.g., VHF contesting), but each was well conceived and delivered. Really wanted to make the original PVRC “Contest College” in VA, but could not.
PVRC Contest College evolved quickly beyond the club into Contest University at Dayton Hamvention, and has already been taken internationally by K3LR, drawing on local talent for lecture sessions. Given the hundreds of years experience held in the minds of so many great operators and technical folks, this is a great idea.
A repository of simlar webinars would be a great asset. It will be of greatest benefit to folks who are in rural areas, and not able to get the sort of elmering that can be obtained by joining a club, or who cannot make a long pilgrimage to CTU at Hamvention.
Built it, and they will come….
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