The FD results for the 2008 FD were put online back in February. But as we bear down on FD 2009, time to review. The N4PY crew managed to win the Roanoake Division in class 3A. We finished in 10th place overall of class 3A., and 63rd for all entries regardless of class.
Not too shabby for seven guys in a completely new and untried location.
We were beat out locally by the OCRA crew, who put up a really good score operating in the 5 watt battery class. Also K4QPL squeaked by us with about 50 more QSO’s in class 2A, although we had more points.
But on a “QSO per Peep” basis we did rather well. There are only a handful of other stations that managed to lay out as many QSO’s per person with as few people as we did. Most of those were two man set-ups. Sweet.
Maybe if we find a BBQ staff N4YDU will be able to add another 1000 Q’s to the total.
- 1st of 8 and of 21 ,class 3A, in the NC section andRoanoke division
- 4th of 73 overall in the NC section
- 11th of 188 overallin the Roanoke Division
- 10th of 303 in class 3A nationwide
cqfd cqfd cqfd…..
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