Okay, I’m really getting excited about the 2008 Poisson d’Avril FauxExpedition to Sri Lanka. This has been a extraordinary effort on the part of many in the international community, and seeing it all come to fruition is truly exciting. Our travel commences immediately. Look for us on the air.
I’m stoked and Sri Lanka is a new DXCC counter waiting for the KA3DRR log. Is there a band plan in motion? Or propagation charts on the burner? By the way, 4Q2 is a new prefix and does the FauxExpedition plan on split frequencies during their operation? Sounds like a bevy of great operators as well, RU2SLO, UR2SLO, and IM2SLO! I’m looking forward to the 4Q2BUD signal.
73, Scot KA3DRR
The band plan, propagation charts, and other website details are all being handled by IM2SLO. I’d like to be able to report a firm date on their availability, but my repeated queries to IM2SLO have yet to be answered….
de W4KAZ