Radio W4KAZ

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2009 Sweepstakes SSB

A simple goal this weekend for Sweeps SS. I am going to try to have fun. If I feel like running stations and calling CQ, I’ll do that. If I feel like S&P, I’ll do that. If I feel like watching a college ballgame, zooom – there I go.

Deepest sympathies to UGa fans on the passing of UGA VII. That sure was One-Butt-Ugly bulldog. I suppose they won’t be too hard pressed to find another equally Butt-Ugly bulldog.

The station required some re-wiring to get ready for SSB SO2R. The interface cable for the K2 was in good shape, but the cable for the FT920 required a set of connectors for the PTT and microphone inputs.

It also appears that the Rigblaster NoMic has a problem. No audio getting through the mic side. I had a few 600:600 transformers in the parts box intended for this purpose. I was easiest to wire the transformer into my Mic/DVK/PTT switch box, so I made a quick modification. The 600:600 transformer is now in line with the DVK input. This box had been brewed up a few years back to solve two problems. The first was having bought the Rigblaster NoMic. It (duh-uh) has no mic input. That was fine, until it became clear I’d be using the interface along with a mic for SSB contesting.

So the home brew box handles the switching between mic and DVK audio. (DVK normally on, mic switched on/DVK off when PTT engaged. I use PTT rather than VOX, so that is a simple one. The box will also switch another two sets of relays. One set will make contact when PTT is on, essentially a PTT repeater that isolates the switched gear from the station. The other is a switch that is normally closed, and opens when the PTT is engaged. The second could be used to switch something off when PTT is engaged.

The SO2R box passes the CW,PTT, and mic to the radio selected in the logging software, so only one radio is engaged in transmit at a time.

To use the SO2R box in conjunction with the PTT repeat box, a few additional cables needed to be cobbled together. So this SSB Sweeps will be a trial by fire for the SO2R with DVK combo.

I think I will use packet and operate in the unlimited class again, although this may be the last time for a while. Two radio spot punching can be fun when the bandmaps are full.

It would be nice to match or exceed the 2007 or 2008 home QTH totals too. Maybe the 600 QSO hurdle will be cause for inspiration.

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