The W4KAZ CW skimmer station reporting to the RBN is down, due to work in the basement in the area of the station. The station is going to be down for at least another two weeks, it needed to be moved to allow for replacing the water heater. Yes, hot water is more important to XYL than CW spots. Go figure.
Station replacement may also be delayed by migrating the skimmer software to a newer computer running Windoze 10. That may turn into a temporary situation, just a test run to verify the backup system is good-to-go.
Been a while since any activity of any sort, website updates included. Been paying attention to other things, have not been active with radio much. Maybe that changes – gonna take it as it comes.
Outage began 2020-12-29. Anticipated end of outage 2021-01-15 at earliest.