2007 N4A Photos
As always, working with N4YDU was a blast.
Setting up for operations was a chore. The heat and humidity beat the two operators down mercilessly. We only made a handfull of QSO’s after the station was set up, and spent much of the time we had Friday evening debugging station set up problems.
The start of the IOTA contest brought in a steady flow of QSO’s, which declined as the day wore on. By 1600z the rates had plummeted, with no decent propagation to Europe, not even on 20m, and few US stations operating the contest. 10 and 15 meters never offered up much in the way of Q’s nor mults. 20 meters did not really begin to show life to Europe until nearly 1800z.
N4YDU had a couple of hours of decent rate from EU on CW then, with most 20m signals very strong. Nate switched over to 40m CW fairly early, as 40m was showing signs of good […]